"Any comments or questions, Tina?"Brock gave me a knowing wink, and I returned it with one of my own.He didn’t ask about my red marks and I didn’t offer to tell him.When we pulled off the blindfold, she freaked out when she discovered her daughter had eaten her out.I said, “Katie clean up your mom.”I replied saying that I just wanted the names and addresses of those places, not that I wanted him to take me to them.My eyes gazed down to the bottom of the page where the cryptex sat, mocking me."It has been a long road, long since I got laid," I lied.“We’re sorry!” they all cried.She’ll be one of those unfortunates living a life like mine – unable to bend over in the gym without guys staring, and ordered into a subservient place by her boss, who is inevitably a man.You're everything I want in a girlfriend.Carol was also unaware of her nipples being hard, but she was aware that something strange was happening between her and her son.“Where’d you get this, Sean?When we