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For nine months I protected and nurtured you inside me. Do you want to go back inside mommy?Abby hesitated but she figured she had no other place to go and she went with Tigger.How did you get so lucky to do your entire time on one aircraft carrier, most other men that I dated when I was still in the service kept getting moved from one ship to another,” Jill explained.“Oh, yes, she's delirious with joy.I drifted in rapture, my eyes glued to the screen as I watched my daughter and her friends' lesbian passion.Did you see that?Can you blame me?”Why do you ask?”The next morning I waited until mom was making breakfast, then I slipped into her room and found her bottle of pills.She looked confused but agreed.By the time we got back to the room, they were fully engrossed in eating each other’s pussies again.He was wearing underwear.She holds that beast inside of me and leans her weight on top of me. I can feel those large breasts against my back.“Firstly, not to kill the mood or